venerdì 26 dicembre 2014

Un augurio di buon Natale, buon anno e chi ne ha più ne metta!!! A tutti voi...

Vi auguro un Buon Natale (anche se in ritardo qui in Italia) e Buon anno a tutti quelli che mi seguono e mi sostengono... a tutti quelli che mi vogliono bene e a tutti quelli che passano per il mio bloggo a darci un occhietto ogni tanto!!!
E vi lascio con l'augurio di...
...non smettere di credere alle favole!!!

In English:

It's a bit late... but I wish you a Merry Christmas to all of you that support me!!!
I really love you guys...
And also happy NEW YEAR!!!!

and I wish you that all of you continue to believe in "fairy tales!!!"Pikachu Piff Plz

ps: If I write something wrong please tell me!!!!

domenica 14 dicembre 2014

One piece outfit

My entry for the One Piece contest: En Vogue! held by :iconbluevagabond:
It's Rufy!!!!

Hope you like it!!!

Elena De Nard
Character owned: Oda Eichiro
Art by: Me Wink/Razz

domenica 7 dicembre 2014

Final fantasy 7: Cloud's subconscious

Here my contribution in this huge project about the moments of the game Final fantasy 7.
You can find here and you can donwload all the Amazing artworks!…
and here you can find  the video:…

It was a big pleasure and honor to take part of it and to be near to those Amazing artists that are spread all around the world.
And I want to thanks the "head" of this fantastic project: :iconloonybob:
So Thank you so much... and thank all of you that read this and like this project. Spread it all around of world if you like it.
Love you.